SIA “Viainvest” izveidotā vietne www.viainvest.com izmanto dažādas sīkdatnes vairākiem mērķiem. Lietotās sīkdatnes palīdz nodrošināt, uzlabot un aizsargāt SIA “Viainvest” sniegtos finanšu pakalpojumus, piedāvājot piemērotas investīciju iespējas, reaģējot uz klientu vajadzībām un nodrošinot ērtāku un drošāku vietnes lietošanu.
Sīkdatne ir neliels teksta fails, kas tiek saglabāts datorā vai citā ierīcē, kad tiek apmeklēta vietne. Teksta fails satur informāciju, kas konkrētās vietnes apmeklētājam palīdz uzlabot vietnes lietošanas pieredzi.
Šī vietne izmanto vairāku veidu sīkdatnes (parastās un sesijas). Sīkdatnes atšķiras pēc to lietošanas un glabāšanas parametriem. Laikietilpīgās sīkdatnes var uzlabot un pielāgot, lai tās atbilstu pakalpojuma sniegšanas kvalitātei, saglabājot vispārīgos lietošanas parametrus:
- Lietotāja identifikācija – nodrošina lietotāja identifikāciju un drošāku interneta vietnes lietošanu;
- Pakalpojumu sniegšana un uzturēšana - sīkdatnes, kas funkcionāli atbalsta SIA “Viainvest” sniegto finanšu pakalpojumu sniegšanu;
- Interneta vietnes drošība un pakalpojumu integritāte - sīkdatnes, kas palīdz veidot pakalpojumus, radot vislabāko klientu pieredzi;
- Lietotāju statistika un analīze – sniedz informāciju par to, kā un cik bieži tiek izmantota https://viainvest.com/ interneta vietne, kādas ir lietotāju grupas un kādi meklēšanas rīki tiek izmantoti. Sīkdatņu statistiku var iegūt arī no saistītajām tīmekļa vietnēm.
- Pakalpojumu sniegšana un klientu vajadzību analīze – sīkdatnes, kas nodrošina klienta vajadzībām piemērotākos piedāvājumus.
Tīmekļa vietnē www.viainvest.com var tikt izmantota trešo pušu sīkdatņu informācija. Sadarbības partneru interneta resursos lietotājs var arī attēlot aktuālākos piedāvājumus.
Sīkdatņu iestatījumus var izmainīt jebkurā laikā. Ja ir vēlme ierobežot vai dzēst sīkdatnes savās ierīcēs, to var izdarīt, mainot pārlūkprogrammas iestatījumus. Drošības iestatījumu izmaiņas jāveic katrai pārlūkprogrammai atsevišķi, un izmantotās iestatīšanas metodes var atšķirties. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka atteikties no nepieciešamo (tehnisko) sīkdatņu izmantošanas, nav iespējams, jo šīs sīkdatnes ir būtiskas, lai nodrošinātu vietnes pārlūkošanu un izmantotu, piemēram, vietnes drošo zonu piekļuvi.
SIA “Viainvest” izmanto trešās puses Google analītikas sīkfailus (Google Analytics). Lai atteiktos no Google Analytics sīkdatnem, lejupielādējiet un instalējiet Google Analytics atteikšanās pārlūkprogrammas papildinājumu.
Ja rodas jebkādi jautājumi par šo Sīkdatņu Politiku, aicinām sazināties ar mums, rakstot uz e-pastu: [email protected].
Šīs vietnes Sīkdatņu Politika pēdējo reizi tika atjaunināta 2022. gada 20. maijā.
This particular business loan allows early exit from the investment taking into account specific annual interest rate calculation terms. Early exit options and respective annual interest rates are listed below. Early exit from the investment can be requested by pressing EARLY EXIT button available in this particular business loan profile. Invested principal and earned interest returns to investor account after selected notice period.
Reason for withdrawal from the agreement | Prior notice period | Guaranteed annual interest rate (paid on monthly basis) | Extra annual interest, paid once at the end of the agreement | Total annual interest rate |
The loan maturity day | n/a | 12% | 2% | 14% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 1 month | 12% | n/a | 12% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 3 month | 12% | 1% | 13% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 6 month | 12% | 2% | 14% |
By selecting one of the early exit options listed below, you will automatically inform VIAINVEST about your willingness to exit the investment after the selected period of time starting from the date when the request is made. Invested principal and respective earned interest will be transferred to your investor account after chosen time period.
This particular business loan allows early exit from the investment taking into account specific annual interest rate calculation terms. Early exit options and respective annual interest rates are listed below. Early exit from the investment can be requested by pressing EARLY EXIT button available in this particular business loan profile. Invested principal and earned interest returns to investor account after selected notice period.
Reason for withdrawal from the agreement | Prior notice period | Guaranteed annual interest rate (paid on monthly basis) | Extra annual interest, paid once at the end of the agreement | Total annual interest rate |
The loan maturity day | n/a | 11% | 2% | 13% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 1 month | 11% | n/a | 11% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 3 month | 11% | 1% | 12% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 6 month | 11% | 2% | 13% |
By selecting one of the early exit options listed below, you will automatically inform VIAINVEST about your willingness to exit the investment after the selected period of time starting from the date when the request is made. Invested principal and respective earned interest will be transferred to your investor account after chosen time period.
This particular business loan allows early exit from the investment taking into account specific annual interest rate calculation terms. Early exit options and respective annual interest rates are listed below. Early exit from the investment can be requested by pressing EARLY EXIT button available in this particular business loan profile. Invested principal and earned interest returns to investor account after selected notice period.
Reason for withdrawal from the agreement | Prior notice period | Guaranteed annual interest rate (paid on monthly basis) | Extra annual interest, paid once at the end of the agreement | Total annual interest rate |
The loan maturity day | n/a | 9% | 2% | 11% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 1 month | 9% | n/a | 9% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 3 month | 9% | 1% | 10% |
Early exit request before the maturity day | 6 month | 9% | 2% | 11% |
By selecting one of the early exit options listed below, you will automatically inform VIAINVEST about your willingness to exit the investment after the selected period of time starting from the date when the request is made. Invested principal and respective earned interest will be transferred to your investor account after chosen time period.
Two component compensation model: monthly interest rate plus bonus at the end of the agreement if sales revenue exceeds the set threshold. Investor’s total interest income depends on the rent yield. Rent yield is the return a property investor is likely to achieve on a property through rent, which is calculated by dividing net annual property rental income by the value of the property and multiplied by 100 to get the percentage. Rent yield will be calculated at the end of the agreement and paid to the investors according to the threshold provided in the table below. Fixed interest of 8% is paid to the investor on a monthly basis. Namely if the total rent yield will reach 5.25%, effective interest income will reach 10%, the difference will be paid out at the end of the agreement.
Calculation example:
Rent yield | Sales price | Interest income |
5,75% | 38 093 071 € | 8% |
5,25% | 41 720 983 € | 10% |
4,75% | 46 112 665 € | 12% |
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Vai esat drošs, ka vēlaties pamest sadaļu "Investora dati"? Veiktās izmaiņas netiks saglabātas.
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Paldies, ka ieguldāt kopā ar mums! Lai jūs arī turpmāk saņemtu jaunākās ziņas, vērtīgu informāciju un personalizētus piedāvājumus, mēs lūdzam atjaunināt savu mārketinga piekrišanu.
Jums ir nesaglabāti dati. Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest lapu?