VIAINVEST announces new bank details in cooperation with VIALET

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For quite some time VIAINVEST has been accepting deposits to its account opened with VIALET – a digital payments platform holding an electronic money institution license. VIALET is also a part of VIA SMS Group – the mother company of VIAINVEST, so we have decided to endorse this product and fully shift to it by closing our Swedbank account and accepting deposits/ making withdrawals only through the account opened with VIALET starting from June 1, 2020.

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8 Ways to Handle an Economic Recession

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It’s hard to deny even the word recession has an ominous ring to it. It’s difficult to prepare for one, and when the economic slowdown hits, it usually catches most people off guard. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only had an undeniable effect on the global economy but also people’s moods. Continue reading 8 Ways to Handle an Economic Recession

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VIAINVEST Expands Its Business Loan Portfolio

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We have said it before, and we’ll say it again – the ongoing economic fluctuations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t scare us. Yes, we know it’s all serious and times have been uneasy, to say the least, but we at VIAINVEST are fully prepared and equipped to go forward. To prove that these are not just words, we are proud to present to you the latest addition to our business loan portfolio –  loan for consumer loan business development in Vietnam (not pre-funded). Continue reading VIAINVEST Expands Its Business Loan Portfolio

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Rebuilding the Economy – an Optimistic Outlook

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It’s all too easy, at the moment, to imagine the future as one of catastrophe, even as a dystopia. The world is suffering through a tragedy, and many feel powerless because of it. It’s understandable—there isn’t a clear end to the COVID-19 crisis in sight yet, and experts can’t seem to agree on when that time will come either.

There is one thing they all agree on though: the fact that the current situation will eventually end, and that we have a brighter future ahead of us. For those that find this too abstract, there are several concrete reasons for this expectation. While the media mostly focuses on the bad news, there is also some good happening right now. Continue reading Rebuilding the Economy – an Optimistic Outlook

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