Autumn has always been that time of the year when we here at VIAINVEST look back at things accomplished during the last year and also set new goals. Reviewing results of the annual investor survey is a great pitstop, and we are beyond grateful to all members of VIAINVEST investor community who participated in the survey this year.
While you are welcome to browse through the full survey results summary, here are some key takeaways:
- 84% of investors rate their general investing experience with VIAINVEST as excellent or good,
- the main reasons why investors choose VIAINVEST are: diversification options, back-up by VIA SMS Group, trustworthiness,
- favorite features are simple and easy user interface, investor support, Buyback, transparency and stable returns,
- 86% of survey participants name VIAINVEST as their favorite platform,
- 91% of all respondents say that VIAINVEST is a trustful platform,
- 88% of survey participants rate the work of Investor Support Service as excellent or good,
- in 92% of cases the problem was solved thanks to the Investor Support Service.
Thank you for the continuous trust and we are looking forward to fruitful cooperation ahead!
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