Operational updates and monthly statistics: April 2024 edition

Operational updates and monthly statistics: April 2024 edition

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Operational updates and monthly statistics: April 2024

Here are the latest developments and statistics for VIAINVEST in April.

New interest rate and term combinations available

We are pleased to offer our investors new term and interest rate combinations. Our updated offer includes securities with 5 and 6-month terms (150 and 182 days) at 12% interest and a 9-month term (270 days) at 13%. These choices are intended to accommodate both investors seeking long-term stability and those who prefer a more dynamic investment strategy.

Please be aware that rates and maturity terms are subject to change, and additional combinations may be introduced. We encourage you to keep your Auto-invest settings flexible or use our pre-defined strategies that automatically adapt to available investment opportunities.

The deadline to complete the product suitability questionnaire is approaching

In May 2023, we introduced the product suitability questionnaire, which is essential for assessing your investment knowledge and experience under MiFID II criteria. As we approach the end of the one-year transition period on May 16, 2024, we urge all our investors to complete this questionnaire.

Please be aware that if the questionnaire is not completed by May 16, 2024, your existing Auto-invests will be disabled. Additionally, you will be unable to set up new Auto-invests. Completing this questionnaire is crucial to continue using our Auto-invest features seamlessly.

The form can be completed by visiting Settings > Product Suitability in your profile and takes a few minutes to complete.

VIAINVEST participates in Finfellas Frankfurt

Last week, VIAINVEST had the pleasure of participating in the Finfellas conference held in Frankfurt. This gathering brought together Europe’s leading figures in fintech to discuss the future of digital lending. Our own Tatjana Kulapina, Board Member at VIAINVEST, and Wojciech Małek, Head of European Operations at VIA SMS Group, were present to delve into the industry’s key opportunities and challenges in 2024. They explored how investors can effectively engage with the dynamic world of digital lending.

We look forward to continuing these important conversations and contributing to the evolving landscape of fintech and digital lending.

VIAINVEST successfully concludes the administrative agreement with Latvijas Banka

In 2022, the Financial and Capital Market Commission (merged into Latvijas Banka the central bank of Latvia on January 1, 2022) entered into an administrative agreement with VIAINVEST. Under this agreement, VIAINVEST committed to implementing the necessary improvements to achieve full compliance with the applicable financial regulations.

VIAINVEST is delighted to announce that these improvements have been successfully implemented, resulting in the conclusion of the administrative agreement with the Bank of Latvia, fulfilling all stipulated conditions. Eduards Lapkovskis, Chairman of the VIAINVEST Board, states, “VIAINVEST has adhered to all recommendations provided by the regulator. We continue to enhance our internal control systems in AML/CFTP, tailoring them to match our operational risks. This enhancement includes significant investments in IT, process improvement, and human resources, alongside developing robust risk management and control mechanisms that align with our business model.”

New post in blog series – “Meet the team”

The latest release in our “Meet the Team” blog series spotlights our AML and Risk Department. It looks into the department’s day-to-day challenges, risk mitigation strategies, and innovative measures for protecting our investors. Read through it to understand how these functions contribute to our platform’s success and stability.

National holiday

Quick heads up: we’re taking the day off on the 6th of May due to a Latvian national holiday. We will be back to our usual working hours on the 7th.

A monthly summary of statistics:

Loans published – 9 831 517 EUR
Loans funded – 9 689 899 EUR
Interest paid to investors – 367 731 EUR
Interest rate up to – 13 %
Total client registrations – 39501

Happy investing,


1)This is marketing communication, not investment advice or investment research. Investments involve certain risks and costs. Legal information about SIA “Viainvest” and its services is available here: https://viainvest.com/en/company/legal/. 2) This is a periodic fact sheet provided for informational purposes. Data sourced from our own internal records. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

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Peer-to-peer lending platform