VIAINVEST’s August Performance 📊

VIAINVEST’s August Performance 📊

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Here’s a recap of VIAINVEST’s key metrics from the past month:

Publication and Funding Dynamics

Loans Published: EUR 7,856,345

Loans Funded: EUR 7,391,852

With the active participation of loan originators, we rolled out EUR 7,856,345 in securities underpinned by loans from our network. In response, our dedicated investors contributed EUR 7,391,852 in August.

Investor Community

Total Investors: 35,535

August saw our community flourish to 35,535 registered investors. We recognise the interests and aims of our newcomers and will support their journey towards realising them.

Average Interest and Deposits

Average Interest Rate: 13%

Average Deposit: EUR 3,570

Issued asset-backed securities maintained a consistent annual interest rate of 13%, offering robust investment avenues. Meanwhile, the average investment deposit reached EUR 3,570.

The numbers for August underline our unwavering growth trajectory and promising yields.

Keep Investing and Growing! 🙌📈

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Peer-to-peer lending platform