VIANVEST platform updates: Asset-backed security portfolio exceeds cessions.

VIANVEST platform updates: Asset-backed security portfolio exceeds cessions.

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Let’s take a look at some recent developments.

Asset-backed security portfolio surpasses cessions

VIAINVEST is steadily converting its loan portfolio from cessions to asset-backed securities, and we have recently passed an important milestone. Our clients’ asset-backed securities portfolio has exceeded that of cessions, suggesting that cession investments are being steadily repaid.

We anticipate that this process will continue at a rapid pace, with loan portfolios originated in the Czech Republic, Romania and Poland being the first to be fully converted to asset-backed securities.

Buyback Guarantee and Buyback Obligation explained

Recently, some unfounded rumours about VIAINVEST not honouring the Buyback Guarantee and Buyback Obligation have been circulating on blogs.

We would like to take this opportunity and reassure our investors that the Buyback Guarantee and Buyback Obligation for delayed and defaulted loans are being fully honored. VIAINVEST closely monitors loan originator obligations, which is also reflected in reports to our regulating body, ensuring complete transparency and guaranteed repayments to investors.

Buyback Guarantee for cessions goes into force if the loan repayment is delayed for more than 60 days. The loan status is displayed on your My Investment page and in the loan profile.

Buyback Guarantee for cession investments has occasionally been confused with the specifics of credit line repayment schedule. Credit lines are specific types of contracts in which the borrower is required to make at least minimum monthly payments, the credit line is not considered delayed as long as the borrower meets the minimum repayment requirement, and investors receive principal and interest for the duration of the credit line’s active period. Based on our loan originator data, the average credit line is repaid within 12 months.

For asset-backed securities, buyback Obligation means that if a borrower misses a payment for more than 60 days, the loan originator is required to buy back the underlying loan from the issuer in the form of the full principal and interest. While the status of the specific underlying loan within the pool is not displayed for asset-backed securities, the buyback obligation arises from the cooperation agreement described in the FCMC-approved Base Prospectus, and it implies that the loan originator will repay and settle a portion of the issuance before the maturity date.

Platform updates

VIAINVEST has committed significant resources to resolve the issues reported by investors and improve the investor experience on the platform in the future.

We encourage investors who are experiencing any problems to contact our support team so that we can effectively deal with them.

We highly appreciate that you are in the VIAINVEST community, and we honour your trust. If you have any questions, please contact us, and we will do our best to respond promptly.

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Peer-to-peer lending platform