Nearly everyone throughout the world needs to interact with money in some way or another for them to survive. We work to earn and then pay to maintain our way of life. How we manage that way of life is often what we have most control over.
To that end, the smart or responsible way of managing your personal finances in your daily life is based on how well informed you are about the subject matter. This is known as being financially literate and being able to apply your knowledge thereof often determines or measures just how well versed or financially literate you really are. Continue reading Is Europe Financially Literate?
Month: April 2021
VIAINVEST adds new business loan aiming to finance consumer lending business development in Philippines
Posted onYou may remember that some time ago VIA SMS Group was actively collecting funds on VIAINVEST to develop a consumer lending brand in Vietnam together with TWINO. While is blooming and strengthening its position in Vietnamese consumer lending market, VIA SMS Group has taken on a new challenge to continue its Asia-Pacific expansion and enter the Philippines with yet another consumer lending brand – To speed up the business development, VIA SMS Group is looking for additional funding sources, so VIAINVEST has listed a brand-new business loan by offering its investors an opportunity to participate in this exciting business venture. Collected funds will be later issued as a loan to the Vamo Lending Inc. (registration No. in Philippines: CS20200000915) which is executing the Group’s business activities in the Philippines. Continue reading VIAINVEST adds new business loan aiming to finance consumer lending business development in Philippines