Celebrating One Year of Asset-Backed Securities

Celebrating One Year of Asset-Backed Securities

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August 2 marks an essential milestone for the VIAINVEST. It’s been one year since the launch of asset-backed securities. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the statistics and the journey of growth.

67.6 Million Asset-Backed Securities Funded Since the Launch

Within just one year, 67.6 million asset-backed securities have been funded. We are more than grateful for the credibility and trust that investors have placed in VIAINVEST. By providing an accessible and streamlined process for asset-backed investments, we’ve been growing together with both loyal investors and newcomers alike.

1.45 Million Paid in Interest for Securities 

Not only has VIAINVEST funded a significant number of securities, but we also paid out 1.45 million in interest. We know that it is just the beginning of the long-term journey, and we are dedicated to providing consistent and substantial returns in during this marathon.

Portfolio Composition as of August 2023: The Successful Transition

As of August 2023, the portfolio composition reflects a successful transition. Comprising 80% asset-backed securities and 20% cessions, including business loans, VIAINVEST has shown its ability to evolve and adapt.

With the current pace and strategic planning, we are expecting that the cessions will be repaid by the end of 2023.

Conclusion: A Year of Challenges and Growth

The first year of securities is not just about the numbers, although 67.6 million funded asset-backed securities and 1.45 million paid in interest are certainly impressive. It’s about the challenges we’ve overcome. About trust, innovation, and hard work that VIAINVEST has fostered.

“Thanks to our clients’ reliance and our team’s hard work, over the past year, we’ve made great progress with our new asset-backed securities product and introduced new investment services and tools. We strive to achieve more open communication and make investing easy. Our product helps investors earn fixed income through market ups and downs and earn more over the long term. Let’s keep growing together.” – Tatjana Kulapina, Board Member of VIAINVEST.

Investors can look forward to innovative solutions, stable returns, and an even more robust investment platform in the future.

Here’s to many more successful years ahead!

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