Most Active Funds Investing in European Fintech

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As fintech continues to expand, not just in Europe but all over the globe, so does the interest of investors and traditional financial actors. Money from major investors is heavily streaming to the fintech scene, thus contributing to the ongoing disruption in the sector of financial services. It might look like as if it was not that big of a deal, and yet this is already having a direct impact on a number of our daily money management related activities.

Here we have compiled a short list of six most active funds currently investing in European financial technology firms. Continue reading Most Active Funds Investing in European Fintech

New Rules for European Crowdfunding Platforms

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Previously this month the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee voted to create a common set of rules for European crowdfunding service providers. The new text, that aims to boost cross-border funding, better protect the investors and simplify the life of crowdfunding services operating inside the European Union, represents a good step forward on what previously proposed by the European Commission. Continue reading New Rules for European Crowdfunding Platforms

Fintech Deals Still on Track to Make 2018 a Record Year

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Let’s start by saying that the third quarter of 2018 was not the best for VC-backed fintech companies, both in term of funding and number of deals, especially if compared to the global all-time records of the second quarter. Despite the fallback, with the $5.64B invested over 375 deals, the total amount of funding in fintech firms has already largely exceeded last year’s annual big results. And also, for what it concerns the number of deals, these are actually still on track to make 2018 a record year. Continue reading Fintech Deals Still on Track to Make 2018 a Record Year

What Kind of Added Value Do P2P Investment Platforms Offer?

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To be successful in business, you have to demonstrate your relevance to customers and your investors. This is often done by formulating a customer value proposition and it can even include an employee value proposition. Its intent is to clearly articulate the value you offer to clients, and it gives your brand the social capital to get a customer’s share of wallet as well as the correct profile to lenders when you want to lend money. Continue reading What Kind of Added Value Do P2P Investment Platforms Offer?

Online Courses to Master Your Fintech Knowledge

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As the financial industry is in a phase of complete transformation with technology, all the professionals working in the sector, the aspiring Fintech entrepreneurs, or simply anyone willing to stay up to date with the development of financial services, should learn more about the revolution happening with financial technology. Here we have made an accurate selection of various fintech courses that are currently available. Continue reading Online Courses to Master Your Fintech Knowledge

The Bali Fintech Agenda: Expanding Access to Financial Services

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have developed and launched, in occasion of their Annual Meetings in Indonesia, the “Bali Fintech Agenda”. It is a paper basically intended to support policymakers around the world to harness the opportunities emerging with the rapid growth of fintech, with a particular focus on facilitating financial inclusion for the unbanked. Continue reading The Bali Fintech Agenda: Expanding Access to Financial Services