There is a saying “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing it well.” This is especially true when it comes to investing your money. No matter which investment platforms you choose to utilize, careful consideration and evaluation is necessary before you expose yourself to risk. Continue reading A Few Things You Should Know before Becoming an Investor on a P2P Platform
The 5 Cryptocurrencies that You Should Know
Posted onWhether you are an investor, a fintech professional or someone simply following the news, you have heard for sure speaking about Bitcoin. However, there is now a huge number of other cryptocurrencies, the so-called altcoins, that are gaining popularity and market capitalization. Here we take a brief look at five cryptocurrencies, and at the platforms behind those, that we think you should have at least a basic knowledge of. Continue reading The 5 Cryptocurrencies that You Should Know
Does It Pay off to Be an Investor on a P2P Platform?
Posted onIf it was easy to become wealthy, we wouldn’t need experts advising us on how to invest in the first place. People have been trying to find the best return for their investment for ages. There are also so many ways in which to invest these days that it can become daunting for a beginner. Continue reading Does It Pay off to Be an Investor on a P2P Platform?
Interview with Simona Lucatniece, VIAINVEST P2P Platform Lead
Posted onYou’ve been with VIAINVEST platform since its very beginnings, now tell us, how has the platform evolved, and what have been the major challenges along the way?
It’s been almost 2 years since the platform launch, unbelievable how quickly time flies! I think it is fair to say that VIAINVEST is in the constant start-up phase, as the list of new features we are planning to implement never ends. Until now, the major challenge was to keep up with the expectations of our investors – we have always emphasized that customer service is a huge deal for us, and we are truly putting an effort to add a personal touch. Continue reading Interview with Simona Lucatniece, VIAINVEST P2P Platform Lead
P2P Industry: How the Business Works
Posted onWe’ve created many pieces lately on the topic of P2P as a whole. Here is possibly the best description of the economy as such, and we wanted to share it with you before we dig deeper into how P2P business actually works. Continue reading P2P Industry: How the Business Works
Emerging Markets and Peer-to-Peer Lending
Posted onP2P lending is essentially an online transaction between two parties whereupon one lends money to another. This transaction is facilitated by a middleman and a return fee is agreed upon beforehand. It’s also a process that is totally independent from a bank. With the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, the Internet made it possible to offer access to capital outside of the traditional banking channels. Continue reading Emerging Markets and Peer-to-Peer Lending
ICOs to Be Regulated Under the New EU Crowdfunding Rules?
Posted onThe rapid rise of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) has been one of the hottest topics for discussion in the past two years in the fintech industry. Despite the emerging challenges and the recent slowdown, the overall volumes are pretty impressive, with about $18.7 billion raised so far in 2018. A debate about having the new type of fundraising regulated at European level has emerged in the past few weeks. Here we will try to take a look at the main points of discussion. Continue reading ICOs to Be Regulated Under the New EU Crowdfunding Rules?
Investment Diversification
Posted onWhen a person decides to invest money, we often hear the term diversification. Of course, to diversify means you do not put all your eggs in one basket, and you manage the risk by spreading it across different investment facilities and or risk profiles. Continue reading Investment Diversification
Why You Should Invest in Loans of Poland: Economic Prospects for 2018
Posted onFor an investor it is crucial to get acquainted with the current economic trends and peculiarities of an investment destination market. Poland is pretty much one of the key players on VIAINVEST platform due to a substantial volume of originated loans it brings to the table. Therefore, we invite you to take a closer look at what has been going on over there, and why investing in Polish loans might be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio. Continue reading Why You Should Invest in Loans of Poland: Economic Prospects for 2018
Blockchain Is Getting Real: World Bank Launches the First Blockchain Bond
Posted onThe World Bank, together with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) with the role of an underwriter, just launched bond-I (blockchain operated new debt instrument), the first bond in the world that has been created, allocated and managed using blockchain. After much hype and promises, this is one of the first concrete use cases for blockchain in global finance. Continue reading Blockchain Is Getting Real: World Bank Launches the First Blockchain Bond